Bloom Schools » Old School, meet New School Photography

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Now Booking Schools for 2013-2014 | School Photography

Are you over those outdated “Lifeless” school pictures?  

 Bloom Schools is now booking schools in the
Rocky Mountain and Mid-West Regions for the 2013-2014 school years.

Bloom Schools offers fresh, fun, and affordable school pictures from daycares to middle schools and everything in between. We take great pride in capturing your child’s personality while offering a fresh take on traditional school photography.


Art in Bloom Foundation- Quarter 1 | Art in Bloom Denver

The Art in Bloom Foundation and Bloom Portraits is very excited to announce the first quarter’s Art in Bloom Foundation recipient for Denver!

The Denver studio’s Art in Bloom Foundation recipient is… (drum roll please)….

 Project YES!

Stay tuned to see how we are working with each of these great organizations and how you can help improve the lives of children through art!

Project YES | Art in Bloom | Bloom Portraits

A Special Thank You from the Minneapolis Children’s Hospital | Bloom MN

Art in Bloom was  so delighted to receive a special “Thank You” card in the mail today from Maggie Overman of the Minneapolis Children’s Hospital’s Child Life Department, Art and Healing Program. This past quarter Bloom’s foundation, Art in Bloom was able to donate 100 art kits to children stuck in the hospital over the holidays. On behalf of the Minneapolis Children’s Hospital, Maggie wrote the following:

Dear Bloom Portraits,

Thank You so much for choosing Children’s as this quarter’s Art in Bloom  recipient!! It was such a pleasure to meet a few of your team members and get to show them around our Minneapolis campus. The art kits are by far the cutest I have EVER seen and the kids have really enjoyed receiving them. Thanks again for your amazing support of our Arts and Healing Program. We appreciate the generous support of our community friends so much!


Grade School Photography

A lot of growing up happens between that first day of kindergarden and grade school graduation and Bloom Schools is honored to capture every special milestone for you.  Bloom Schools uses a unique customized approach for capturing authentic expressions of  your child at every stage of their childhood.

To learn more about Bloom Schools and to get us in your school, contact us at

Middle School Photography

Middle school is when children become teens and teens are 13 going on 30. For most parents, this is the last time they will get school portraits until their child’s high school senior photos.  Let Bloom Schools document this last stage in your child’s life before they are driving away.

To learn more about Bloom Schools, and to get Bloom in your school, contact us at