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Downtown Denver Expeditionary School Receives Donation | Denver School Photography

We want to thank Downtown Denver Expeditionary School for a great Fall Season with Bloom Schools Photography!

We were able to donate a portion of our proceeds back to the school as part of our Giving Back Program!

Thanks for your hard work, we look forward to a future Picture Day with you!

Downtown Denver Expeditionary School is a K-5 school located in the heart of downtown Denver on the corner of Lincoln and 19th Ave. We are so excited to announce the DDES parents raised $745.00 for their schools give back! Congrats parents, and thank you for your orders!

If you are interested in booking your school for their picture day in 2015-2016 click here to request our info packet or call this number 1.855.632.5666 to speak with your local school picture day coordinator.