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Tag Archives: preschool photography

Now Booking for Spring and Fall 2015 | School Picture Day

Now booking schools for the 2015-2016 school year for school picture day!

We are, Bloom Schools! We are a photography company specializing in school portraits for kids in preschool to grade school. Bloom offers a fun and unique photography experience, while offering a great way to fundraise for your center or school.

Bloom Schools Photography is serving both midwest and southwest regions and has offices located in Denver, CO and Minneapolis, MN.


CALL NOW to speak with someone who can help you start the process. 1.855.632.5666

Click Here to request an info packet!

Preschool Photography

Preschoolers have great imaginations and Bloom Schools is always  happy to be along for the ride! Because these little ones have such active minds and bodies, we use an interactive approach to photographing them that is full of life and laughter.

To learn more about Bloom Schools, contact us at