Let’s face it, kids clothes can get expensive! They grow out of them so quickly. Plus kids love to play outside and the wear and tear can certainly get to clothes quicker that way. Here are our favorite places for affordable kids clothing.

1. Target. Target always has up to date styles on all its clothing. They have nice bright colors and fun looks that will be sure to make you and your child smile.
2. Goodwill and Arc Thrift Stores. These are two of our favorite places to shop. If you have the time, they are a gold mind! We’ve found some wonderful name brand like new clothing for much cheaper. Plus they are great for the environment as well as the pocketbook.
3. Consignment stores. A step up from the thrift store and a bit pricer. But they are still great for the environment and you when your kids are growing so fast out of everything!

Where are your favorite places to get affordable fashion for your kids?! Share with us in the comments below! We cannot wait to see what you choose for your school picture day.